AmyAnne Yifu

AmyAnne Yifu is a piece of trash
a goddamn fucking bane that should know better
i can use only one word to descrbe this .. this …thing
a griefer

the worst kind

twice in one day this …. thing.. caused me to gain some 6-10 violations

thanks to her i am torn between rage and sadness
i could have been at the end of my sentence by the end of tomorrow, now thanks to her thats maybe another day or 2 to go


~ by Em Sveiss on October 18, 2008.

9 Responses to “AmyAnne Yifu”

  1. She did the same thing to me….I could get away from her fast enough and racked up at least 4 violations….I hate her.

  2. I am coming to this blog to let you all know… I met the person you are referring to as she had just been released from her banishment. She had been in it since last May… her denomination was A-9326.

    I interviewed her briefly on the reasons, and she was just being territorial. I think she fancied some place were you were staying and got into some territorial fight. Banes do that, I hear. It all boils down to who has the guts or the experience or just the determination to resist the longest.

  3. Hello all,

    I was A-9326. Now known again as AmyAnne. I had two spots in SL that i preferred to sit at as a bane… I was a bane for a long time…and viewed those as my places. Like in the story…if one was a stronger bane then another they claimed the territory they preferred…..this was the case. I never used an alt or friends to harass anyone as was the case from one bane. I lived the story in hope of finding my eudamon. I am sorry if others couldn’t comprehend the story in detail.

    Anyway…there was no malice in what i did or griefing….only being the bane i was and sitting where i wished.

    You volunteered to be a bane after all…..

    BTW…the 14 extra hours i got from that….i owe you much thanks….i hope your added hours were less…for me it was pure heaven…i would have welcomed more….

    I wish you well…..


  4. It was a requirement to read and understand the Eudeamon story. Banes fight for their places, so did A-9326 for the place she called home for months. She protected her territory. Live and survive. She got the same penalties as you got, don’t forget this.

    That’s what banishment is all about, you were supposed to know the story, so don’t call someone who follows it a “griefer”.

    Boy Lane
    Engineer BP

  5. I call this bullshit until you can prove it
    Every single one of my updates is here for all to see, I have nothing to hide.

    I call everything I see with honesty and I stand fully behnd my words until proven conclusively otherwise

    Trust me when I say this, I do not make this accusation lightly.
    Yes I posted this at the time of the incident, and yes I was emotional, but even now, weeks after being freed I can still call this for what it is, my view has not changed and will not change until I am convinced otherwise.

  6. Well, as i said….i had spots i preferred to stand. I was a bane for 5 months this past time and a few months the 1st time. I always lived the story….in every way….and that included being an “alpha” bane and being where i wished….no one ever said you had to move….you could have stuck it out and fought for the place as well.

    The thing is, you volunteered to be a bane. No one forced you to put that helmet on… So why complain if someone lives the story in hopes of finding her Eudamon…

    Even discussed it all with my Mistress and had her permission as it followed the story…..

    Well, anyway….i wish you well…. See you next time i consent to be what i know i am……

  7. I watched you for a month … not once did you stand in the space that was my spot, where I had claimed as my own for the longest time.
    what I saw, was a bane not being punished, every other bane who got too close was visibly shocked … except you
    you were the only one who was never visibly shocked
    what do I think about that … I don’t think you were punished, I don’t BELIEVE you were punished.
    You weren’t living the story, that was for the rest of us, you keep deluding yourself but don’t infect the rest of us with it

    thank you

  8. Oh….i got a lot of time…..i was a bane for 5 months….hours and hours added….but i didn’t care. I was a bane….i wanted to find my Eudamon….and i will one day….it will come….i’ll be a bane again and i will find her and perhaps i’ll never be human again. So you had a spot you wanted….till another bane wanted it….i decided i did…so i took it and yes i didn’t care about what hours you got as long as i got more time added to my own. Sorry but that too was the story. Don’t complain, you volunteered to be one… love it and don’t complain….or never put on the suit again……

  9. I never intend to put that suit on again, I loved my eudeamon … but the love of a partner and family & friends is worth more.
    I do not share my love with just one individual, no matter how special they are to me.
    I no longer care about this, it is in the past, but I still stand by my words … that was my story

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